Other than the gold rush of the 1800's, and WWII of the 1940's, nothing has impacted and shaped Alaska's history and economics more than the Trans Alaskan Pipeline System (TAPS). Likewise, no trip to, nor blog of Alaska, should feel complete without devoting some time to learning about its history and evolution.
In 1968, oil was discovered at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska after explorers had been searching all over Northern Alaska since the 1950's. The following year, in 1969, Exxon sent a specially fitted oil tanker, the Exxon Manhattan, to test the feasibility of transporting oil by ice breaking tankers to market. The ship, fitted with a massive ice breaking bow, powerful engines and hardened propellers successfully transited the Northwest Passage from the Atlantic Ocean to the Beaufort Sea but not without suffering ice damage to several of its cargo holds. Although the Manhattan completed the journey, the concept was considered far too risky and was abandoned.
Subsequently, a pipeline was considered to be the only viable system for transporting the newly found oil from Alaska's Northern Slope to the nearest ice-free port, almost 800 miles away in Valdez, Alaska. The nation, being in the throes of an energy crisis, pushed for the pipeline regardless of expense, and in November of 1973, US President Richard Nixon signed the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act into law, thus authorizing the construction of the 800 mile pipeline.
Construction of the pipeline presented significant challenges due to the remoteness of the terrain and the harshness of the environment it had to pass through. Between the frozen Arctic North Slope and Valdez, Alaska stood three mountain ranges, active fault lines, miles of unstable, boggy ground underlain with frost, and the migration paths of literally thousands of caribou and moose.
To make matters worse, the farthest north one could travel by road in 1968 was Livengood, Alaska, a mere 84 miles north of Fairbanks. Between Livengood and the Arctic Ocean stood another 414 miles of uncharted wilderness without a single road.
That dirt road, now called the Haul Road, or the James Dalton Hwy, is what I've been traveling and is what had to be constructed before the northern half of the pipeline work could begin. By 1970, the "end of the road" had been pushed another 56 miles to the south banks of the Mighty Yukon River. Here, road construction ground to a standstill as engineers faced one of their most significant challenges. Due to the vast expanse and swiftness of the Yukon's current, building a bridge in these harsh conditions turned out to be a monumental task. To this day, it remains the only bridge in the entire state of Alaska to cross the Mighty Yukon.
Amazingly, the remaining 358 miles from the north side of the Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay, was constructed in 1974 in a mere 154 days. This was amidst some of the most rugged and inhospitable weather conditions imaginable. Constructed for the sole purpose of hauling men, equipment and supplies to begin construction of the enormous pipeline, the haul road was initially open only to commercial traffic. It was not until 1994 that public access to Deadhorse was allowed. During the construction phase, nearly 2,000 contractors and subcontractors, as well as approximately 70,000 workers, were employed to work on road and pipeline projects.
The pipeline, a totally man-made intrusion into this land of extremes, plays a game of hide and seek as I travel the endless miles. Sometimes immediately adjacent to my path and then suddenly disappearing underground for miles only to reappear magically around the next bend of the road. I am pleasantly surprised at the insight of the engineers and how well they integrated this 800 mile structure into the wilderness without destroying the natural beauty of the land.
The pipeline was built above ground in areas where thaw-sensitive permafrost exists. However, where the line bust be buried, such as highway crossings or avalanche-prone areas, such as seen here at the the southern base of Atigun Pass, the pipe is encased in an insulated, refrigerated ditch. Nearby refrigeration plants pump cold brine water through six inch pipes which absorb heat and keep the soil cooled. Other area of burial are either conventional covered ditches or unrefrigerated, but insulated ditches, depending on the thermal sensitivity of the surrounding tundra.
Another rig crawls up the steep 10 degree grade of Chandelar Shelf a few miles south of Atigun pass. The Haul Road is the literal lifeline to North America's largest oil field. The road remains very primitive, but provides a rare opportunity to the adventurous traveler, to traverse a remote, unpopulated part of Alaska to the very top of the continent. Traveling this farther-north road involves real risks and challenges but well worth the effort for those who challenge themselves to take it on.
At times, it's as smooth as seen in the above picture, while at others, it's rough enough to tear the wheel off a pickup if you hit some of the large, sharp-edged holes. Unfortunately, that very scenario claimed the life of one KLR rider while I was there. I did not see the accident myself, but we learned of it once back into Fairbanks. Apparently, he hit one of the larger holes that had been obscured by the torrential rains and was thrown over the handlebars as his front wheel impacted the far side of the hole.
Oil emerges from the ground at up to 180 °F, and travels through the pipeline at temperatures above 120 °F. Where heat from the oil in the pipeline might cause thawing of the permafrost and subsequent loss of foundation stability, the pipeline is insulated and elevated between 5 and 15 feet above ground. Over half of the pipeline is elevated in this manner on specially designed vertical supports members or VSM's.
In some elevated sections, heat conduction from the oil through the (VSMs) would melt the permafrost in which they are embedded. This could cause the pipeline to sink and possibly sustain damage. To prevent this, these portions of the pipeline include heat exchangers atop each VSM, seen here behind the bike, passively cooled by convection to the air. Each heat exchanger is thermally coupled by a heat pipe to the base of the VSM. Running through the VSM, the heat pipe transports heat from the base to the heat exchanger. Since ammonia, the working fluid in the heat pipes, has a freezing point lower than the permafrost, the heat pipe works throughout the year, even during the coldest winter nights. This convection cooling system is thought to be one of the greatest innovations associated with the pipeline.
Another innovation associated with the pipeline is the zig-zag configuration above ground seen here in the background. Since pipe shifts around far more easily above ground than when buried, the zig-zag path of the pipeline allows the pipe to move from side to side and lengthwise. This movement may be caused by earthquakes or by temperature-related expansion and contraction. The VSMs also include "shoes" to allow for horizontal or lateral movement, and crushable blocks to absorb shocks from earthquakes, avalanches, or vehicles.
The pipeline was designed to bear 20 feet lateral and 10 feet vertical displacement. In 2002 the pipeline withstood a 7.9 earthquake centered along the Denali Fault.
A section of the 48" pipe used during construction. Its 1/2" thick metal, and the 3 inches of fibrous insulation are then wrapped with another galvanized metal jacket. It is designed to be resistant to gunshots, but on October 4, 2001, a drunken gunman named Daniel Carson Lewis shot a hole into a weld near Livengood, causing a spill of about 6,000 barrels. Approximately two acres of tundra were soiled and removed in the cleanup.
Lewis, known as a troublemaker in the community of fewer than 30 people, was apprehended four hours after the shooting. He was convicted on multiple state and federal felony charges, including a $10,000 fine and 10-year federal sentence for being a felon in possession of a firearm. The highest losses from the pipeline were in February 1978, when a deliberate explosion led to more than 16,000 barrels leaking out at Steele Creek, near Fairbanks.
Along the pipeline there are eleven pump stations, each with four pumps. Each electric pump is powered by diesel or natural gas generators. Twelve pump stations were planned but Pump Station 11 was never built, though the southward numbering system for the pump stations retains a place for this nonexistent station. Usually only around seven stations are active at one time, and future plans to replace the existing pumps with newer high-efficiency pumps may reduce the number of active stations even further.
Since 1977, more than 15 billion barrels of oil have been transported via the pipeline and over 17,000 tankers have sailed out of Valdez, Alaska taking the oil to market. At the height of North Slope production, the pipeline was transporting over 2 million barrels of oil per day. Although the volume of oil flowing through the pipeline has decreased, Alaska today supplies nearly 17 percent of the United States’ domestic crude oil production.
For a few more statistical factoids for the month of July 2008:
Barrels Pumped from Pump Station 1 during July 2008: 20,144,458 (bear in mind a barrel of oil is 42 gallons)
Average barrels per day: 649,821
Year to Date: 150,646,173 barrels
YTD Average barrels per day: 707,259