Saturday, July 12, 2008

Wind, Wind, and more Wind

Spent the entire day hanging out in the KOA watching the wind howl like crazy all day. Absolutely too windy to be on a motorcycle since the wind was merely a repeat of yesterday. So, spent the day hanging around the laundry section of the Minot, North Dakota KOA and enjoying the friendship of two fellow bike travelers. Art and Helen were traveling on their matching Valkyries with tow behind trailers. His a nice green and cream color and hers a nice red with a Leman trike kit.

They are both retired (teaching and banking respectively) and have traveled many miles aboard their steeds. They are from Grand Prairie, Alberta Canada which I will eventually be riding through and they were nice enough to share lots of tips to make my trip more enjoyable while traveling through Alberta, British Columbia and the Yukon Territories.

I can't end this post without telling you about how Art and I sharing helpful tips with one another. I have a little more experience with GPS systems and Art has more experience traveling/living in bear county. So............the barter system is not dead. I help him become more familiar with loading information into his new Garmin Zumo and in return, Art shares with me his most useful tip on carrying a side-arm while in bear country.
With a twinkle in his eye, he informs me that when in bear (especially Grizzly) country, the first thing you want to do to a nice 40. cal. Smith & Wesson is to file off the front sight. That way, it doesn't hurt as much when the bear shoves it up your....................uh hummm................. nose! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Thanks Art !!!!! That gives me a nice warm cuddly feeling...................... I'm off to the ACE hardware tool section looking for a file. haaaaaaaa

The wind is just now beginning to die down and looks like tomorrow will be a really nice day for covering some miles across the plains of western North Dakota and eastern Montana.

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