Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Ride Is Actually On This Time !!!!!!!

Finally, after many delays and a plethora of Murphy's shenanigans, the ride was ready to happen. After tipping the bike over for the undercarriage check, Murphy hangs out in the corner while I spend the next three hours unpacking, inspecting and repacking all my stuff.

Finally around 1:00 p.m., the ride is actually going to happen. The last picture is sort of what it looked like once the Freedom Machine rolled "OUT" of the garage.


Anonymous said...

Undercarriage check? You know, if you were on a F650GS you wouldn't have that kind of problem. Of course, we tough 650 riders wouldn't have to pack the whole house to go on a trip. ;) Is there room for you on that thing? I really hope you have a fantastic trip. Please ride safe.

Anonymous said...

hey there Huckleberry....
i am so excited for you and your journey,(and i must say pretty envious), What an adventure.I will be looking forward to your updates...I do believe that you can probably out run Ole Murph...
Shaking her head smilin'....Damn....:) joanmarie